About us

Big picture

Nile exists to improve the livelihood of farmers and consumers across Africa.

We create digital solutions and logistical networks that are transforming the agricultural value chain - ensuring that transactions are safe, transparent and efficient for farmers.

We believe that food systems are only efficient when farmers can trade effortlessly across borders without many layers of intermediaries. Farmers should also be able to procure inputs at a fair price based on information instantly available to them. At Nile, we believe that technology has the potential to shape the future of agriculture - and we set out on an ambitious journey to build that future.


Central to a farmer’s existence

We are building an ecosystem that enables farmers to trade and transact digitally.

Trade - Nile’s Produce marketplace is a B2B e-commerce platform that makes it easy and safe to trade fruit and vegetables with multiple producers across different regions. Our digital solutions solve issues inherent to food trading, including price discovery, quality verification, payments and traceability.

Transact - Farmers can procure all their farm supplies directly from manufacturers by using Nile's Inputs Marketplace. We also provides input financing solutions based on a farmer’s trading data and regional benchmarking.

Nile's team is solving complex problems in exciting new markets! We are building a team of highly skilled people that are passionate about improving Africa's food systems.

Our founding team combines managerial experience in Food, E‑commerce, Finance and Software Development at world leading companies - including Amazon, Jumia, JP Morgan, and Luno.

Meet the founding team

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